Some Thoughts about My Website

November 1st, 2023

Hello! It’s been quite a while since I updated my website.. 20 days in fact!! Now that the newness of owning a website has worn off a bit, I’m beginning to see the merit in the more simple websites my friends have. Perhaps having a simple site like that is more Oshie’s speed? Something I’m not always working on seems like more my thing! 

Very soon, Xbox will be deleting all user generated video content on their servers, which will break most of the video content I have on the site currently. I updated one video to be hosted on YouTube but long term that seems like a whole lot more trouble than it’s worth! Because of this, I think I’ll just be deleting the video section all together. Doing this will also help my site to be less gaming focused, which is something I’ve wanted for a while. 

So, as of today the entire video section has been delisted! 

I’ll be working on making the website a little less gaming focused and a little more general with this change (Please understand I’m jealous of my friends cool minimalist websites.) As well as focusing more on blog posts (you can trust me this time.) I’ll be keeping all the other stuff where it is for the time being, however! Even the video section is still there at the old URL! For a couple more months at least..!

Thats all I really have to announce at this time, thank you for visiting Osh Net & I hope everyone had a lovely Halloween!